God as a servant

மத, இன வேறுபாடுகளைப் பொருட்படுத்தாதவர் அவர் கர்நாடக மாநிலம் மேலக்கோட்டை என்ற திருநாராயணபுரத்தில், ஒதுக்கி வைக்கப்பட்ட மக்களை அழைத்துக் கொண்டு கோயில் பிரவேசம் செய்தார். வைணவன் என்றால் உயர்ந்தவன்; அவனுக்கு ஜாதி, மதம் இல்லையென்று சொல்லி, தாழ்ந்த குலம் என்று அக்காலத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டவர்கள் தோள்மீது கை போட்டுக்கொண்டு வீதியில் நடந்துவந்த நிகழ்ச்சியும் உண்டு. அவரது சேவையையும், வைணவத்தில் செய்த புரட்சியையும் கண்டு மகிழ்ந்த பெருமாள். அவருக்குத் தொண்டுசெய்ய விரும்பி ஒரு திருவிளையாடலையும் நிகழ்த்தினார். ஒருமுறை, ராமானுஜர் தனது […]

via சீடனாக வந்த பெருமாள்! -திருபரிவட்டப்பாறை — Blog for Kurungai.

God is great

Happiness or sorrow, life or death, nothing is permanent in this world. Knowing this, still I’m worried much about leaving this body, when I think about death or when I come to know that one day I have to leave this body, I worry more, even Iim not own anything here because everything is temporary,  including our assets, relation ships, all would be lost once departed.

This earth is there for many years, I would come to know about it when I born here and forget everything I leave.  why I’m not able to take death as easy since it is not a death for soul.

I would say this place is unfit for permanent enjoyment, the only place is where every one can be happy all time is God’s Place(vaikundam).

God took many avatar to teach a good lessons for us, he came as Krishna and Rama, taught many things. So, for every avatar he leaves  his own place(vaikundam), comes down to our place and help us to get salvation. So Getting to lower place to lift others is a great thing which can be done only by God , So he is great.





My Devotion is an acting

O Narayana, I recently realized my devotion is an acting, when i got to know from the lectures of Swami Velukuddi krishnan, that Aandal use to see Krishna in food, water and betal leaves.It shows, what ever she saw, she saw lord Krishna in it, but in my case, i’m running behind the tablets, when one tablet is missed, i used to get scared and think how i’m going to survive without it, so it clearly shows that i’m not behind you, i’m behind many other things like tablets and attachments with body and relationships. So, please  forgive me for my fake devotion, even if i leave/hate/not able to remember you for any reason, at least by mouth i said, Naaraayana, Krishna, Rama, so please Don’t leave me.

My prayer to hanumaan

Lord hanumaan, as i know, your true Devotional towards lord Rama is amazing. You rejected the costly jewels and said “nothing can make me happy, rather, thinking about rama is the only pleasure”, you proved it by opening your heart and showed that rama and sita only exist. Also, same way, you had not had any experience of jumping the ocean, but your faith on Rama made to jump/cross that in one short and reached srilanka in your first attempt only. Same way, to get out of samsaara kaddal(tamil) or karmic cycle, please help me to get the same faith on my God lord Rama.